East Brighton Mental Health Service Feedback Survey

Take The Lived Experience Patient Survey Challange Today!


My name is Daniel Harris, and I am a lived experience advocate and a service user myself. Through my journey with mental health services, I’ve come to recognise the immense value of understanding the experiences and perspectives of others who have walked similar paths. Our collective experiences not only shed light on our individual battles but also on the systemic challenges we face within the services meant to aid us.

Objectives of This Survey

  1. To collate first-hand testimonies and insights from service users in order to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the Sussex Partnership Trust's mental health services in East Brighton.
  2. To utilise the data gathered to rigorously investigate the service, identify areas of concern, and advocate for imperative systemic reforms. The ultimate goal is to ensure that all individuals receive the high standard of care to which they are legally and ethically entitled.

Confidentiality and Voluntary Participation:

Please be assured that your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary. Each question has been crafted with the utmost sensitivity, particularly those that delve into potentially distressing topics. Should any section of this survey cause discomfort, you are encouraged to either skip the question or cease participation. Your well-being is of paramount importance.

All data collected will be held in strict confidentiality and will solely be used for the purposes of advocating for improvements and raising public awareness regarding the challenges many face within this service. Under the Data Protection Act 2018, your anonymity and the security of your responses are guaranteed.

By partaking in this survey, you contribute to a collective force for change. Your experience and perspective are invaluable in highlighting systemic issues and advocating for reform. Thank you for considering lending your voice to this vital initiative.

Warm regards,

Daniel Harris
Lived Experience Advocate

Personal Details

Used to verify you are a real participant
For example BN2 5

Mental Health Diagnosis


Service Experience


Please select an answer from the dropdown box
Selected Value: 5
Please rate the following aspects of the service on a scale of 1 to 10 by moving the slider (1 being extremely unsatisfied, 10 being extremely satisfied):
Selected Value: 5
Please rate the following aspects of the service on a scale of 1 to 10 by moving the slider (1 being extremely unsatisfied, 10 being extremely satisfied):
Selected Value: 5
Please rate the following aspects of the service on a scale of 1 to 10 by moving the slider (1 being extremely unsatisfied, 10 being extremely satisfied):
Selected Value: 5
Please rate the following aspects of the service on a scale of 1 to 10 by moving the slider (1 being extremely unsatisfied, 10 being extremely satisfied):
Selected Value: 5
Please rate the following aspects of the service on a scale of 1 to 10 by moving the slider (1 being extremely unsatisfied, 10 being extremely satisfied):
Selected Value: 5
Please rate the following aspects of the service on a scale of 1 to 10 by moving the slider (1 being extremely unsatisfied, 10 being extremely satisfied):
Selected Value: 5
Please rate the following aspects of the service on a scale of 1 to 10 by moving the slider (1 being extremely unsatisfied, 10 being extremely satisfied):
Feel free to write freely regarding your interactions with the staff you name here.

Testimony and Feedback & Impact of Service Quality


Selected Value: 5
[Slider from 1-10, with 1 being extremely negative, and 10 being extremely positive]

Data Handling and Privacy

Your Wellbeing & Safety

These questions are on a scale of 1= never, 2= not very often, 3= not often, 5= sometimes, 7= often, 8= very often, 9= most days, 10= all the time and so on. Please answer these honestly.


Thank you for for completing this survey.

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New clients must complete the registration and permission form and I recommend you also complete the Homeless Survey